New Meet the Maker feature opportunity

Hey Team Mates,

We are pleased to announce a new feature we will be running across our social channels – Meet the Maker!

What is ‘Meet the Maker’?

‘Meet the Maker’ is our new initiative to spotlight the incredible talents and unique stories of Etsy sellers in Brighton and the surrounding area. We believe in the power of community and the importance of supporting local businesses. With this feature, we aim to bring you closer to the customers who follow Brighton Etsy Team.

How Does It Work?

Every week, we will select one Etsy seller to be featured across our social media platforms. This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your business, share your journey, and connect with a wider audience. Whether you’re a seasoned seller or just starting out, we want to hear from you! You will be posted on both our Instagram and Facebook pages.

Why Participate?

  • Gain Exposure: Your story and products will be highlighted to our growing community of followers, giving you a chance to reach new customers and fans.
  • Share Your Journey: People love to know the person behind the product. This is your chance to share your inspirations, challenges, and successes.
  • Build Connections: Connect with fellow Etsy sellers and potential customers who share your passion for creativity and craftsmanship.

How to Apply

If you run an Etsy shop and are based in Brighton or the surrounding area, we’d love for you to apply to be our next ‘Meet the Maker’. Simply send us an email (brightonetsyteam @ and include a few photos of your products together with a photo of you (ideally surrounded by your products!). Tell us your name and shop name and provide a paragraph or two about you, your products, your making process; whatever you want to tell us! You could include why and when you started, any future goals or additions. We will use this paragraph as the caption for the post. Make sure the images you send us are at least 1000x1000px and that they best represent your products. 2-5 product photos would be great.

Get Involved!

We want to bring you and your small business into the spotlight. This is a FREE feature for you and anyone can apply.

So, what are you waiting for? Apply now and let’s celebrate the amazing makers that make our community so special!

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