New Year, New Leaders

Hey Team!

It’s a new year and with that are some changes for the team. Firstly, we would like to say a massive thank you to our previous leaders for doing a great job over the last five years! The team management has now been handed over and it’s time for us to introduce ourselves. We are thrilled to introduce you to the new leaders of our vibrant community –

Team Captain – Kat from The Flat of Kat

Leaders – Millie from Hot Fresh Bright

Lucy from Sootmegs

Holly from Handmade by Holly UK

Lucy from Wild Whiskers Studio

James from And Mash

You can read more about all of our new leaders on our freshly updated team leaders page.

As our team continues to grow and evolve, we are excited to bring in fresh perspectives and creative energy. We are full of plans and goals for the team and can’t wait to get started. Stay tuned for an exciting year ahead!

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